A primeira vez a gente nunca esquece... (We never forget the first time...)
Essa vez nao poderia ser diferente. No ultimo domingo tivemos o nosso primeiro pic nic (meu e da Bella), aqui na Europa e muito comum quando sai um solzinho, a familia aproveitar para fazer um pic nic em algum parque com a graminha verdinha e muito ar puro (ou nem tanto assim). No Brasil sei que algumas pessoas fazem e ja ate vi outras dizendo que era farofada ou coisa de pobre (pobre para mim sao essas pessoas com pensamentos pequenos),
confesso que sempre achei super fofo. Na Irlanda sempre vi meus colegas brasileiros fazendo, mas por alguns motivos que nao lembre (talvez algumas cias que nao me agradavam) nunca participei.
confesso que sempre achei super fofo. Na Irlanda sempre vi meus colegas brasileiros fazendo, mas por alguns motivos que nao lembre (talvez algumas cias que nao me agradavam) nunca participei.
Ou seja, foi muito agradavel estar na companhia de amigos queridos, do marido e da minha princesinha!!!
E que venham muitos e muitos momentos bons como esses =)
We never forget the first time...
... and this time wasn't different. Last Sunday me and Bella had our first picnic. Here in Europe it’s common, when it’s sunny families go out for a picnic in the park. In Brazil some people do that, but some bad people said this is for the poor. I think the persons who think so are the poor ones, I always thought picnics were very nice!
In Ireland people I knew sometimes had picnics, but I was never interested in going with them (maybe because I didn't like those people).
Brazil has some places where you can have a picnic, like Ibirapuera Park and Villas Lobos Park. My parents never took me there, I think because it was much easier to take me to the Shopping Centre or have some fast food... (Mummy and daddy it’s your fault I never went on a picnic =])
Back to our picnic, it was very nice, and I loved it!!! Bella was very good, she played a bit and slept most of the time, because it was a good day. I enjoyed the day with my husband, my little princess, and our friends a lot.
I want more nice moments like this =)
We never forget the first time...
... and this time wasn't different. Last Sunday me and Bella had our first picnic. Here in Europe it’s common, when it’s sunny families go out for a picnic in the park. In Brazil some people do that, but some bad people said this is for the poor. I think the persons who think so are the poor ones, I always thought picnics were very nice!
In Ireland people I knew sometimes had picnics, but I was never interested in going with them (maybe because I didn't like those people).
Brazil has some places where you can have a picnic, like Ibirapuera Park and Villas Lobos Park. My parents never took me there, I think because it was much easier to take me to the Shopping Centre or have some fast food... (Mummy and daddy it’s your fault I never went on a picnic =])
Back to our picnic, it was very nice, and I loved it!!! Bella was very good, she played a bit and slept most of the time, because it was a good day. I enjoyed the day with my husband, my little princess, and our friends a lot.
I want more nice moments like this =)
Oi Dani,
ResponderExcluirjá tinha passado por aqui várias vezes mas ainda não tinha conseguido comentar. Tá lindo o blog novo e lindas as fotos da Bellinha num dia de sol.
Um beijo,
Ai Daniii eu amo picnique!
ResponderExcluirTô doida que o sol fique firme para coemçar com os meus, aqui na irlanda também é bem comum!
beijoo pra vcs duas
Ni obrigada!!! O marido que esta me ajudando no novo blog!!!
ResponderExcluirAh eu amei tbm Ka, quero fazer sempre agora...rsrs
Bjos p/ vcs ;)
Eu simplesmente adoro um picnic!
ResponderExcluirEssa primavera ainda ñ fiz nenhum e provavelmente ñ faça, espero voltar a rotina de passeios e picnic depois que o meu baby nascer. :)
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